woensdag 8 juni 2016


The only shrine in Japan dedicated to a culinary god!
De enigste tempel in Japan ter ere van een culinaire god.
Le seul temple au Japon en honneur à un dieu culinaire.

Iwakamutsukari ni mikoto!
Some 1.800 years ago, a Japanese diginitary stopped in Awa no kuni ( now the Minamiboso area) while travelling in the eastern region. An aide, Iwakamutsukari no mikoto, cooked a dish using a bonito and some white clams that he had harvested, and served it to the master. Deeply impressed by the delicacy of the dish, the dignitary commended his aide and rewarded him with the position of personal chef. Located in Chikura-cho, a towen that retains a rich fishing village ambiance is also famous for its flowers, the Takabe Shrine is dedicated to Iwakamutsukari no mikoto and is the only structure in Japan created to enshrine a culinary god. Hocho-shiki performances are open to the public on May 17 and November 23, each year.

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